Our Process


How This Works

At Silk Road Names our goal is to make it easy for you to find the perfect English name for yourself, your partner or your child. Read below to find out how our process works.

Some of the things we consider when choosing a name is how the name sounds (i.e., its rhythmic flow) and how well it fits with your traditional surname in terms of sound and visual aesthetics when written down. We also choose names that are pleasing to the English-speaking ear. To the extent that names order our perceptions of others, such aesthetics can have an impact on how other people remember or respond to the name.

Some names also have different spellings and other name sources, like computer-generated names or English name books, will not always list alternative spelling arrangements. A particular spelling may make it easier for your child to spell or explain his/her name to others. It may also have more visual appeal, which will make it more impactful on an aesthetic level.

Additionally, some names may be more favorable to English-speaking ears because they hold subtle clues of masculinity and femininity. In western society, for example, feminine sounding names for boys are typically not viewed well. On the other hand, masculine sounding names for girls may be an advantage in certain cases, such as getting hired for jobs in science or technology.

Moreover, in certain professional contexts, like the corporate business world or public relations, shorter English names are favored over longer ones since the ability to communicate quickly and informally is a high priority in fast-paced environments.


Estimate Form

Fill out our request form on our website using the button below to get a price and time range for your English name.

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Estimate Form

Fill out our request form on our website using the button below to get a price and time range for your English name.

Get Started Now


Choose What Kind of English Name

Choose what kind of name you want for your child, whether traditional, unusual, highly unusual or yet undiscovered. We will send you an email asking you to fill out a short form that will assist us in providing you with a price and time range for your English name. The form is also designed for students or adults seeking a special English name for themselves.


Choose What Kind of English Name

Choose what kind of name you want for your child, whether traditional, unusual, highly unusual or yet undiscovered. We will send you an email asking you to fill out a short form that will assist us in providing you with a price and time range for your English name. The form is also designed for students or adults seeking a special English name for themselves.


Name Consulting Deposit

Consultations lead to hand-picked name suggestions for you to consider. The deposit will reserve you a place in our name consulting schedule and allow us to begin the research process for you. Depending on the kind of name you are seeking, our process can take anywhere from a few days to a few months.


Name Consulting Deposit

Consultations lead to hand-picked name suggestions for you to consider. The deposit will reserve you a place in our name consulting schedule and allow us to begin the research process for you. Depending on the kind of name you are seeking, our process can take anywhere from a few days to a few months.


Final Payment

Once the final payment is cleared, we will email you a digital report that provides you with a selection of beautiful English names, including their pronunciation, their meaning and their history (if relevant).

Note: In cases where the research process is longer than six weeks a second payment will be required.


Final Payment

Once the final payment is cleared, we will email you a digital report that provides you with a selection of beautiful English names, including their pronunciation, their meaning and their history (if relevant).

Note: In cases where the research process is longer than six weeks a second payment will be required.


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